Sat. Oct 5th, 2024
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Quantum Error’s Lead Platform Is The PS5 & Should Be Around 15-20 Hours Long

Details on the PS5 are still in short supply but Teamkill Media are one of the first in the gaming industry to announce a game for the PS5 ahead of it’s release later this year.

Quantum Error is a cosmic horror first person shooter for next gen consoles but it won’t be a next gen exclusive as it will also release for the PS4 as well.

Dakoda Jones and Micah Jones of TeamKill Media recently spoke to Gamingbolt and said that “At the moment our focus is primarily on the PS5, so at first everything is going to be calibrated for that platform and we won’t do most of the optimizing for the PS4 until we are close to being finished,”

The statement HERE Credit to Gamingbolt again shows the developers are concentrating on the next gen version before worrying to much about the older PS4 hardware but in the end want to make sure the game will run well on both systems.

When the Teamkill Media team were quizzed on how long players could expect the game to last the reply was “too early to know exactly,” they did say that they were aiming for around 15-20 hours though.

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By dailygamingtech

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