Nintendo Switch Update 4.0 Adds Another Feature Gamecube Controller Support
The system update the Nintendo Switch received on October 21st added many new features including:
- Video capture on selected games
- 12 New Super Mario Odyssey, Zelda BOTW, Mario Kart 8, Arms and Splatoon 2 icons to choose from for your user profile.
- Ability to transfer user data and save data from another system
- Pre-Purchase options on the e-Shop
- News channel updates
- Match software version with other groups of local users
- Wireless headphone support
The latest thing that has been discovered is the ability to use gamecube controllers with the Switch console.
To use this ability you will need an adapter that was sold for the Wii U, this can be plugged into the Switch dock and then paired in the pop up menu by pressing the L and R buttons together.
This is a great feature for some players who love the feel and layout of the controller but it does have a couple of downsides such as: no home button and also the controller doesn’t have the Z button on the left hand side of the controller.
Nintendo are doing a great job of adding new features to it’s already impressive handheld console.