Sun. Dec 22nd, 2024

COVID: The Outbreak The Game Announced For May 2020 Release

a Polish developer has revealed a new game called COVID: The Outbreak. In the time we are now in and with all what is currently happening would this be something that you would want to play?

The game will release on PC May 29th 2020 and can be found on STEAM

Check out the trailer below:

COVID: The Outbreak is a real-time strategy game leaving players with the role of a global organisation that must try to deal with the global pandemic. Taking control of managing resources, developing projects and constructing buildings to help keep the virus at bay while the vaccine is being developed will be a few of the tasks you will need to deal with.

The developers have come up with a helpful touch though so don’t think it’s all cashing in, they have said they will donate 20% of all net Steam sales throughout the months of May and June to the Coalition of Epidemic Preparedness Innovations and other charitable foundations that are helping fight this epidemic!

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By dailygamingtech

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