Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

Latest trailer for upcoming THQ-Nordic game showing it’s one to watch!

Latest Elex trailer has been released


With the launch of upcoming game Elex approaching fast THQ Nordic have released a new trailer! The more we see of this game the more we think this really could be one to keep an eye on this year!

Convinced that all weakness must be rid from the face of the world, the Albs are ruthless in pursuit of their vengeful goal. By consuming pure Elex, the Albs are able to think with clarity, growing stronger, more focused the more they consume. The price paid for their cold, menacing ambition is a high; stripped of emotions, the Albs become machine-like unyielding beings. From their mountain fortress in the icy heights of Xarcor, the Albs are striving to gain full control of all of Magalan and wipe out any resistance.

The official trailer can be found below:


Elex is set to release later this month on Xbox One, PS4 and PC October 17th.

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By dailygamingtech

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