Wed. Feb 19th, 2025

Bethesda is releasing the long awaited Wastelanders update April 14th hopefully giving fans what they have wanted from the start!

Wastelanders brings a new beginning to Appalachia for first-time and veteran players alike with a new main quest, human NPCs, new choices, companions, a reputation system and much more. Players will forge alliances with new factions in an effort to uncover the secrets of West Virginia, either in groups with friends or solo as a lone wanderer.

The update will roll out on all platforms, PC including Steam, Xbox One and PS4.

Hopefully this update will really improve things and make the game we all wanted from the start. Is it to little to late only time will tell but credit to Bethesda for sticking with the game and trying to fix it. Our review for the game at release can be found HERE if you are interested.

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By dailygamingtech

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